Commitment to extracts

JPS factory manager

The “JPS Extract Logo” is displayed on the kampo extracts manufactured by JPS Pharmaceutical. This proves that it is an extract manufactured by JPS Pharmaceutical based on strict inspections.
Hear from one of our factory managers about JPS Pharmaceutical’s commitment to extracts.

The JPS Extract Logo
JPS factory manager
One of the commitments of JPS Pharmaceutical is that all kampo extracts are manufactured at our own factories in Japan.
What? Isn’t that normal?
JPS factory manager
Actually, it is quite difficult.
Many crude drug ingredients are sensitive to heat

Many of the ingredients in crude drugs are destroyed when concentrated at high temperatures for a long time.
At JPS Pharmaceutical, crude drugs are extracted in an automatically controlled extraction cauldron and concentrated at low temperature for a short time.
With this technology, extracts can be made the same color and aroma as if decocted in a clay bottle.

We aim for extracts with color and aroma as if they were decocted in a clay bottle.

We aim for extracts with color and aroma as if they were decocted in a clay bottle.

Best extracts that are not squeezed forcibly

When you squeeze a lemon, for example, have you ever squeezed it until there’s nothing left?
In the case of crude drugs, if you squeeze them forcibly, extra ingredients will also be extracted and quality will not be consistent. At JPS Pharmaceutical, we do not squeeze forcibly and use only extract in its best condition.

Best extracts that are not squeezed forcibly
JPS factory manager
The JPS Extract Logo proves that extracts are manufactured by JPS Pharmaceutical based on strict inspections.
The JPS Extract Logo

Carefully selected kampo extracts

Japan Pharmacy Seminar

Integrated manufacturing in Japan

Our strength is that we can manufacture high-quality Kampo and crude drug preparations through integrated domestic manufacturing at our own factories, from the management of crude drugs to the production and packaging of extracts.

Carefully selected crude drugs

The raw materials and crude drugs for extracts, which greatly affect quality, are rigorously checked for each crude drug, and purchased in a form as close to their original form as possible.

Commitment to water

We purify water at our own factories and always use clean water of constant quality for extract extraction. Wastewater is also purified with the help of microorganisms.